Performance Testing Tutorial

In this Performance Testing tutorial, you will get basic and in-depth knowledge of Performance Testing. This tutorial describes the core concept of performance testing in layman’s terms which helps to gear up your basics and makes your performance testing skill platform perfect and stronger.

Performance Testing Basics


  1. Performance Testing – Overview:
  2. Type of Performance Test
    1. Load Test
    2. Stress Test
    3. Soak Test or Endurance Test
    4. Spike Test
    5. Break-Point Test
    6. Step-Up Test
    7. Early Performance Test
    8. Other Non-Functional Tests
  3. Performance Testing Tool
    1. Open Source Tool
    2. Licensed Tool
    3. Cloud-Based Tool
      1. Insights on Cloud-Based Performance Testing
  4. How to choose the right Performance Testing Tool?
  5. Client-side (UI) Performance Testing Tools
  6. Important Terminologies
    1. Think Time
    2. 90th Percentile Response Time
    3. Standard Deviation
    4. Latency, Bandwidth, Throughput & Response Time
    5. Importance of Think Time & Pacing
    6. Concurrent Users vs Simultaneous Users
    7. What does come under ‘Response Time’?
    8. Importance of HTTP Status code
  7. Realistic Performance Test
  8. Extension of Little’s Law
  9. Performance Testing Life Cycle:
    1. Overview
    2. Risk Assessment
    3. Non-functional Requirement Gathering
    4. Performance Test Planning
    5. Performance Test Design (Scripting)
    6. Workload Modelling
      1. Steps to Design Workload Model
    7. Performance Test Execution
    8. Performance Test Reporting
  10. Performance Test Result Analysis
    1. Overview
    2. Basic Level
    3. Intermediate Level
      1. Client-Side Result
        1. User Graph
        2. Response Time Graph
        3. TPS Graph
        4. Throughput Graph
        5. Error Graph
      2. Network-Side Result
    4. WHIWH Rule
    5. ComCorDEEPT Technique
      1. Compare Method
      2. Correlate Method
      3. Drill down Method
      4. Eliminate Method
      5. Extrapolation Method
      6. Pattern Method
      7. Trend Method
    6. Basic Server Monitoring Counters

Performance Testing Document Template:

  1. Risk Assessment Document
  2. Non-Functional Requirement Document
  3. Performance Test Plan Document
  4. Interim Performance Test Report
  5. Final Performance Test Report

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