ComCorDEEPT Technique

ComCorDEEPT” is a technique to carry out the performance test result analysis in a proper direction. The main purpose of the ComCorDEEPT technique is to identify the exact root cause of the issue observed during the test. This technique comprises 7 analysis methods. These methods use performance test graphs and figures for analysis purposes and then conclude the correct test result. Refer to the brief description of each method below:

  1. Compare (Com) – To compare the defined NFRs (Non-Functional Requirements) with actual results. Read More …
  2. Correlate (Cor) – To establish a relationship between graph metrics and then analyse the issue. Read More …
  3. Drill Down (D) – To find out the exact root cause by narrowing down the investigation and concentrating only on the faulty part (requests). Read More …
  4. Eliminate (E) – To eliminate the dependent errors and concentrate only on the root cause. Read More …
  5. Extrapolate (E) – To predict the performance of the application on a scaled environment. Read More …
  6. Pattern (P) – To predict the performance of the application on the basis of the graph pattern. Read More …
  7. Trend (T) – To predict the performance of the application on the basis of the past trend of the graph. Read More …

To remember, it can be simply called the “ComCorDEEPT” technique.

How to apply the ComCorDEEPT technique?

ComCorDEEPT technique can be applied to any performance test result. In case you get an error-free result which meets the NFR then the journey will stop at the first method (Compare) only. If any NFR breaches then apply the above-mentioned method one by one and find out the issue and its root cause.

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