Cloud Based Performance Testing Tool

Cloud based performance testing tool provides the facility to run the test on cloud infrastructure. The main advantage of cloud based performance testing is the simulation of different geographic locations which helps to apply the load on the server from different region, country and area. 

The concept of cloud based performance testing is to create the script on local machine, upload the script in Cloud, create the online scenario, execute the test and download the report. Many cloud based tools have their own scripting tool whereas some of them use open-source tools like Apache JMeter.

Let’s discuss the pros and cons:


  • No Hardware cost for load generator
  • No maintenance cost
  • Scalable
  • Easy to use
  • Dedicated support is available for execution issue
  • Real time analysis with live monitoring
  • Monitoring tool integration
  • Open-source tool support for scripting (not applicable for all)
  • Low cost than on-premise set-up
  • No extra effort require to set-up the load generator
  • Geographical location simulation
  • Good Reporting


  • Compatibility issue with open-source tool script (sometimes)
  • It is cheaper but not free
  • Data security issue 
  • No support for open-source scripting tool
  • Lack of test result analysis
  • All tools do not support external monitoring tool integration
  • Network failure issue
  • Lack of all protocols’ support
  • Issue with testing of Intranet application

Top Cloud Based Performance Testing Tool:

The rapid growth of cloud based technology increases the use of cloud based testing tool. They are powerful and easy to use. In near future, it could be that cloud based tool would completely replace the on-premises performance tool