Performance Testing Quiz 12

Performance Testing Quiz 12

Knowledge is infinite and learning never ends. This is a true fact, so why don’t you test your Performance Testing knowledge? A series of the quiz which will help you to check and improve your knowledge of Performance Testing and Engineering skillset. This quiz will also help to recall your Performance Testing concepts. So, let’s … Read more

LoadRunner – Error Graph

LoadRunner - Error Graph

Purpose:  In LoadRunner, the error graph helps a performance tester to understand what the error came during the performance test. The error graph gives a detailed picture of what and when errors come. This graph is very much useful when you merge with other graphs like average response time, throughput, latency or even with the running vusers graph. … Read more

LoadRunner – Transactions per second (TPS) Graph

LoadRunner - Transaction per second Graph

What is ‘Transactions per second’? There is a major difference in Transactions per second and Hits per second. A single transaction can create multiple hits on the server. A transaction is nothing but a group of requests in web test terminology. A transaction can have multiple requests and encapsulate requests into a group e.g. a … Read more

LoadRunner – Other Response Time Graphs

LoadRunner - Other Transaction Response Time Graph

In the last article i.e. LoadRunner – Average Transaction Response Time, you got detailed information about the transaction response time graph and how to merge it with other important graphs. Apart from the average transaction response time graph, there are some more graphs which are related to response time and shows the result in a … Read more