LoadRunner – Running Vusers Graph

LoadRunner - Running Vuser Graph

Purpose:  The LoadRunner Running Vusers graph provides complete information on how many users are active or running at any particular time of the test. It means this graph provides information about the number of users currently accessing the application. This is a simple but very important graph. I am saying it is ‘simple’ because you can … Read more

Extrapolation Method

Extrapolation Method - ComCorDEEPT

As per definition, Extrapolate refers to extending the application of (a method or conclusion) to an unknown situation by assuming that existing trends will continue or similar methods will be applicable. In Performance Testing, Extrapolation is required when an application is tested on a scaled-down environment with a lesser number of users. As per the … Read more


WHIWH Rule PerfMatrix

Bottleneck identification is an art in Performance Testing. Without knowing this art you can not be a perfect performance tester. There are certain performance test result analysis technics which help to conduct a proper approach to find the bottleneck and its cause. Before starting an investigation on the bottleneck, you can apply the WHIWH rule. WHIWH rule suggests a … Read more

Error Graph

Error Graph

This is one of the basic graphs and frequently use to debug the performance bottleneck. The error graph provides details about the type of errors and the time when they occurred. Error graphs could be the first point to kick off the investigation of performance issues. It helps to categorize the error using the response … Read more