LoadRunner – Test Execution

LoadRunner - Test Execution

On the completion of test scenario preparation work either manually or goal-oriented the next task is to execute the scenario or test. To execute the scenario you need to go to the ‘Run’ tab of the controller and then click the ‘Start Scenario’ button. You can also start the scenario from the ‘Design’ tab just … Read more

LoadRunner – Combination of Scenario Schedule Modes

In the previous article, you got the knowledge of the scenario schedule modes in detail. There you have seen two important and slightly confusing terms which are ‘Schedule by’ and ‘Run mode’. These terms create confusion until you understand the basic difference between all the combinations of ‘Schedule by’ and ‘Run mode’ options. In the below table, … Read more

LoadRunner – Scenario Schedule Modes

LoadRunner - Scenario Schedule Mode

While preparing the controller scenario, the main part is the selection of the scheduling mode. The scheduling mode helps you to emulate the scenario as per your requirement. There are two options ‘Scheduled by’ and ‘Run Mode’ in LoadRunner scenario schedule modes which form four possible combinations of test scheduling mode. Before discussing the combination of … Read more

LoadRunner – Manual Scenario

LoadRunner - Manual Scenario Preparation

In the LoadRunner manual scenario, the scenario is designed manually. That means you manually instruct the LoadRunner that how many users to run and for how much duration and in what way the Vusers have to be started and ended. Based on the scenario the script results will be provided by LoadRunner, like response time, … Read more