JMeter Integration with AppDynamics

JMeter Integration with AppDynamics

JMeter integration with AppDymanics provides a complete solution for the Performance Testing and Monitoring of the server resources. The benefits of JMeter and AppDynamics integration include the mapping between JMeter requests and AppDynamics Business Transactions. However, JMeter simulates end-user activity by launching a thread group and executing an HTTP request. AppDynamics fetches the name of … Read more

JMeter Integration with Different Tools

JMeter Integration with Different Tools

Today, JMeter has become a perfect tool for load generation and conducting performance testing. JMeter was lagged with one feature called deep-level server monitoring. but, this issue can also be overcome by integrating JMeter with available monitoring and APM tools. Nearly all APM and process-oriented tools have a feature to integrate JMeter which makes performance … Read more

Apache JMeter – digest Function

digest is an in-build function of Apache JMeter and its type is ‘Calculation’. The digest function generates the encrypted value in the specific hash algorithm with the optional salt and upper case. By the way, JMeter in-build functions are divided into eight categories which are: Syntax: ${__digest()} Type: Calculation Purpose: To generate the encrypted value … Read more

Mobile Application Performance Testing

Mobile Application Performance Testing

Mobile Application Performance Testing is a new domain opening the door to new challenges due to the lack of a properly defined approach, tool etc. Read the article to understand what are the key points that you need to keep in mind as a Performance Engineer: Challenges in Mobile Application Performance Testing Performance Optimization of … Read more

Apache JMeter – dateTimeConvert Function

dateTimeConvert is an in-build function of Apache JMeter and its type is ‘Formatting’. The dateTimeConvert function converts the input date and time format into the required format. By the way, JMeter in-build functions are divided into eight categories which are: Syntax: ${__dateTimeConvert()} Type: Formatting Purpose: To convert the date format either in epoch or human-readable … Read more

Apache JMeter – logn Function

logn is an in-build function of Apache JMeter and its type is ‘Information’. The logn function writes a message in the console along with the input string value. Irrespective of the log function, it prints the input string only in the console window. By the way, JMeter in-build functions are divided into eight categories which … Read more