PerfMon – Data Collector Set

How to add the user-defined Data Collector Set in PerfMon? Following are the steps to add the user-defined Data Collector Set in PerfMon: 1. Launch the PerfMon Tool on the Windows machine 2. Performance -> Data Collector Sets -> User Defined. Right-click on ‘User Defined’ 3. New -> Data Collector Set 4. A pop-up appears … Read more

Level of Monitoring in Performance Testing

Level of Monitoring in Performance Testing

Performance testing includes server monitoring as a crucial component. It is necessary in the production environment as well as during performance testing. All the production servers must be monitored to practice more about the systems’ performance and availability for large and complex software architecture. Many businesses require a better and more exact understanding of what … Read more

NeoLoad – Monitors

In NeoLoad, the third tab under the Design section is ‘Monitors’ where you can configure the monitoring agents and monitored machines. Monitors are required to watch the behaviour of the server during the performance test and identify the bottlenecks. NeoLoad provides a list of monitors and monitored machines which makes the task easy. How to … Read more