Linux Performance Monitoring – ss

Linux server performance monitoring through the ‘ss’ command provides the monitoring statistics related to network sockets and connections. ‘ss’ stands for ‘Socket Statistics’ and it is a simpler and faster version of the obsolete command ‘netstat’. ‘ss’ utility completely replaces ‘netstat’ in the Linux Performance Monitoring system which provides more advanced features and flexibility. It has … Read more

Linux Performance Monitoring – iostat

Linux Performance Monitoring iostat

Linux server performance monitoring through the ‘iostat’ command provides general information about disk operations and related statistics. ‘iostat’ stands for ‘Input/Output Statistics’ and it is a utility that monitors system input/output by observing the time the devices are active in relation to their average read and write rates. The output of the command ‘iostat’ helps … Read more

Linux Performance Monitoring – mpstat

Linux Performance Monitoring – mpstat

Linux server performance monitoring through the ‘mpstat’ command, is one of the oldest and most valuable ways to capture CPU statistics. If the system is a multi-core processor, then the mpstat command helps monitor each core CPU. If a Linux kernel has dual processors with dual cores, the command will report 4 CPUs statistics. The … Read more

VMWare Systems Performance Counters

VMWare Systems Performance Counters

VMWare systems are used as servers to provide virtualization solutions for businesses. Virtualization is a technology used to allow a single physical server to be divided into multiple virtual servers, each running its own operating system and applications. This provides a great deal of flexibility, allowing businesses to deploy applications quickly and easily while reducing … Read more

Solaris Operating System Performance Counters

Solaris Operating System Performance Counters

Solaris is a Unix-based operating system developed by Sun Microsystems and now owned by Oracle. It is designed for use on SPARC, x86, and IA-64 architectures. Solaris is used as a server operating system in many large enterprise environments and cloud computing solutions. It provides a wide range of features, including virtualization, clustering, high availability, … Read more

HP-UX Operating System Performance Counters

HP-UX Operating System Performance Counters

The HP-UX operating system is a server-based operating system developed and marketed by Hewlett-Packard (HP). It is a Unix-based operating system designed for the Hewlett-Packard 9000 series of servers. HP-UX is a robust, secure, and stable operating system that is widely used in corporate data centers. It is well suited for mission-critical applications, such as … Read more