Linux Performance Monitoring – ss

Linux server performance monitoring through the ‘ss’ command provides the monitoring statistics related to network sockets and connections. ‘ss’ stands for ‘Socket Statistics’ and it is a simpler and faster version of the obsolete command ‘netstat’. ‘ss’ utility completely replaces ‘netstat’ in the Linux Performance Monitoring system which provides more advanced features and flexibility. It has … Read more

Linux Performance Monitoring – iostat

Linux Performance Monitoring iostat

Linux server performance monitoring through the ‘iostat’ command provides general information about disk operations and related statistics. ‘iostat’ stands for ‘Input/Output Statistics’ and it is a utility that monitors system input/output by observing the time the devices are active in relation to their average read and write rates. The output of the command ‘iostat’ helps … Read more

Linux Performance Monitoring – mpstat

Linux Performance Monitoring – mpstat

Linux server performance monitoring through the ‘mpstat’ command, is one of the oldest and most valuable ways to capture CPU statistics. If the system is a multi-core processor, then the mpstat command helps monitor each core CPU. If a Linux kernel has dual processors with dual cores, the command will report 4 CPUs statistics. The … Read more

Linux Performance Monitoring – vmstat

Linux Performance Monitoring - vmstat

Linux server performance monitoring through the ‘vmstat’ command, is one of the oldest and most valuable ways to capture memory statistics. ‘vmstat’ stands for ‘Virtual Memory Statistics’ and it is a utility that provides an excellent low-overhead view of system performance. Because ‘vmstat’ is such a low-overhead tool, it is practical to keep it running … Read more