Trend Method

Trend Method

The definition of Trend represents “a general direction in which something is developing or changing”. Trend analysis method can be applied to client, server and network metrics. Before understanding the Trends method, it is good to know about the WHIWH rule. Now, let’s get started with how you can understand the graph and identify the bottleneck using … Read more

Eliminate Method

Eliminate Method - ComCorDEEPT

Eliminate method leads to filtering out certain requests, transactions or components from the list of culprits which cause performance issues. In the previous post, you read about the Drill Down method where we got an issue and continue the investigation until we got the root cause. But what will you do when you get more … Read more

Correlate Method

Correlate Method - ComCorDEEPT

You would have used the correlation for dynamic values while preparing scripts in Micro Focus LoadRunner. Have you ever heard about graph correlation? If your answer is No then refer to Graph Correlation post first. Because Graph correlation is the base of the ‘Correlate Method’. Graph correlation is a perfect feature of the Micro Focus Analysis … Read more

Compare Method

Compare Method - ComCorDEEPT

As per the ComCorDEEPT technique, ‘Compare’ is the first and foremost method of Performance Test Result Analysis. The ‘Compare’ method is a simple way to match the defined NFRs with the actual result. For Example, if the defined response time NFR for a Login page is 5 seconds and you observed the actual response time … Read more