LoadRunner Scripting Basics

LoadRunner Scripting Basic

LoadRunner is well-known for its simplicity, ease of doing scripting, execution and result analysis. In the LoadRunner Basic Steps post, you got a high-level idea about all the basic steps which we follow in the performance testing using LoadRunner. To get more details on each step you have to go through all the topics of … Read more

LoadRunner TruClient Protocol Training

Training Details: Demo 1: 7 Dec 2021 Demo 2: 8 Dec 2021 Regular Session: 9 Dec 2021 Time: 9 PM (IST) / 3:30 PM (BST) Course Content: Introduction Script Recording and Replay Run time Settings Inserting Transactions to capture response times Parameterization Truclient Custom Scripting Event Handlers Object Identification Techniques True client inbuilt Functions Flow … Read more