GC Time Ratio Value Calculator

GC time ratio Calculator

Parallel Garbage Collector or Throughput Collector has an argument to set the target application throughput. The argument is: -XX:GCTimeRatio=<N> To set the target throughput, you need to calculate the correct GC Time Ratio value and input in the file. The below calculator helps you to calculate the correct GC Time Ratio value (N) on the … Read more

Linear Extrapolation Calculator

Linear Extrapolation Calculator

In Performance Testing, when the test environment has a scaled-down ratio like 50%, 25% of the production environment then you can not run the test with full load i.e. at production load. In this case, you need to reduce the number of users according to the environment scaled-down ratio and execute the test. As per … Read more

Think Time Calculator

Think Time Calculator

Calculate the think time value by providing the required inputs. This calculator gives think time to add between two transactions. Also, it calculates the total think time value to design an accurate workload model. Remember: Think time is inserted between a pair of transactions. Hence the number of think time functions (components) is one less than … Read more

Test Data Calculator

Performance Test Data Calculator

Calculate the required test data for a performance test using the calculator. This calculator evaluates the test data required during steady state only. Remember: This calculator is useful when: A performance tester needs unique test data throughout the test Test Data calculator will calculate the steady-state test data requirement only. If the ramp-up and ramp-down … Read more

TPS Calculator

TPS Calculator

Calculate the transaction rate by providing the required inputs. This calculator helps to estimate the transaction count on per hour and per second basis i.e. TPH and TPS. Note: Bookmark this page for quick access Example: Requirement: A company want to test the very basic functionality of its website. The transaction flow is Home Page … Read more