Performance Testing – Important Acronyms/Extensions

List of some frequently used and important acronyms and extensions in the Performance Testing world.

Important Acronyms in Performance Testing:

API Application Programming Interface
AUT Application Under Test
CLI Command Line Interface
CR Change Request
DFD Data Flow Diagram
DNS Domain Name Server
EPTEarly Performance Testing
GUI Graphical User Interface
HLD High-Level Design
HTML HyperText Markup Language
HTTP Hypertext Transfer Protocol
HTTPS Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure
LB Load Balancer
LLD Low-Level Design
LR LoadRunner
NFMNon-Functional Matrix
NFR Non-Functional Requirement
NFT Non-Functional Test
NFTPNon-Functional Test Plan
NFTRNon-Functional Test Result
PA Performance Architect
PE Performance Engineering/Engineer
POC Proof Of Concept
POF Probability of Failure
PT Performance Testing/Tester
PTM Performance Traceability Matrix
PTSR Performance Test Summary Report
QA Quality Assurance
QC Quality Control
QMS Quality Management System
RAD Rapid Application Development
RAM Random-Access Memory
RAT Real Application Testing
RC Root Cause
RCA Root Cause Analysis
REST Representational State Transfer
RFC Request For Change
RT Response Time
RTM Requirements Traceability Matrix
SaaS Software-as-a-Service
SAST Static Application Security Testing
SLA Service Level Agreement
SDK Software Development Kit
SDLC Software Development LifeCycle
SIT System Integration Testing
SMTP Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
SOA Service-Oriented Architecture
SOAP Simple Object Access Protocol
SQL Structured Query Language
SSH Secure Shell
SSO Single Sign-On
ST System Testing
STLC Software Testing Life Cycle
SUT System Under Test
TCP Transmission Control Protocol
TT Think Time
UAT User Acceptance Testing
UI User Interface
URL Uniform Resource Locator
VE Virtual Environment
VM Virtual Machine
VPC Virtual Private Cloud
VPM Virtual Private Machine
VU Virtual Users
XML Extensible Markup Language

Important Extension in Performance Testing:

ExtensionsRelated File
.bat file Batch File
.cfg LoadRunner Runtime Setting File
.cor LoadRunner Correlation File
.csv file Comma Separated Values File
.dat file Data File
.jmx JMeter Management Extensions
.jtl JMeter Text Logs
.lra LoadRunner Analysis
.lrr LoadRunner Result
.lrs LoadRunner Scenario
.user LoadRunner Script Extension

If you want to add more acronyms and extensions in the list that are related to performance testing then please mention in the comment section.

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1 thought on “Performance Testing – Important Acronyms/Extensions”

  1. These Acronyms can also be added:
    JVM – Java Virtual Machine
    CLR – Common Language Runtime
    JIT – Just In time

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