NeoLoad – Runtime Overview

‘Runtime Overview’ is a tab under the ‘Runtime‘ section of the NeoLoad tool. It contains generic information about the currently running test.

Figure 01

There are 4 sub-sections under this tab:

  1. Runtime Information
  2. Real-Time Graphic
  3. Test Progress Bar
  4. Load Generators

Description of Runtime Overview sub-sections

  1. Runtime Information: This section provides the live statistics related to the started test (currently running) which contains information like:
    1. Scenario Name: Name of the running scenario
    2. Start Time: The scenario start date & time
    3. Elapsed Time: It shows the elapsed time since the test started
    4. Total Requests: Total number of requests since the test started
    5. Total Throughput: Total amount of data received from the server (in MB)
    6. Total Errors: Total number of errors observed in the test since the test started
    7. Total Alerts: Total number of alerts observed in the test since the test started
    8. Total Users Launched: Total number of Virtual Users launched since the test started, including those currently running.
    9. Total Iterations Completed: Total number of times when the Actions Container has been executed since the test started.
    10. Average Response Time (requests): Average response time for HTTP requests since the test started
    11. Average Response Time (pages): Average response time for web pages since the test started
    12. Average Requests/s: Average rate of the request since the test started
    13. Average Throughput: Average throughput since the test started
    14. Current Response Time (requests): Average request response time for HTTP requests over the last second
    15. Current Response Time (pages): Average request response time for web pages over the last second
    16. Current Requests/s: Average Requests/sec. for HTTP requests over the last second
    17. Current Throughput: Average throughput over the last second
    18. Current Users Count: Number of Virtual Users currently running
    19. Controller CPU Load: CPU load for the machine hosting the Controller
    20. Controller Memory Load: Used Memory (in %); allocated to the Controller program.
Figure 02
  1. Real-time Graphic: This pane shows the live performance statistics to monitor the test. There are 2 graphs, one shows the errors/alerts on the Y-axis and the number of virtual users on Y’-axis. Another graph shows average response time (in seconds) on the Y-axis and request rate on Y’-axis along with elapsed time on the X-axis.
Figure 03
  1. Test Progress Bar: It represents the test duration and progress.
Figure 04
  1. Load Generators: It shows the statistics of Load Generator machines in tabular format.
    1. Host: Name of the Load Generator (LG) host
    2. Virtual Users: The count of Virtual Users currently being run by that LG.
    3. Requests: Average requests rate generated by that LG.
    4. Errors: The number of errors per second.
    5. CPU Load: CPU load for the machine hosting the LG
    6. Memory Used: It shows the used memory (in %); allocated to the LG program. The default memory allocation is 384Mb (as per NeoLoad version 7.10 document)
    7. Throughput: The amount of data (in MB) per second for the network interface used on the Load Generator.
Figure 05

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