JMeter – Shortcuts

To make the work faster, we always looking for some shortcuts. JMeter; as a tool; also have some keyboard shortcuts which are as follow:

JMeter Shortcuts with CTRL/SHIFT keys

Shortcut KeysPurpose
CTRL + ATo select All the elements
CTRL + CTo Copy the selected element
CTRL+SHIFT+CTo make a Duplicate Copy of the selected element
CTRL + DTo toggle the selected element log level to INFO; Debug Off
CTRL+SHIFT+DTo toggle the selected element log level to DEBUG; Debug On
CTRL + ETo Erase (clear) the test result in all the listeners
CTRL+SHIFT+ETo Erase (clear) the test result in the selected listener(s)
CTRL + FTo open the search tree dialogue box for Finding a text in the script
CTRL + GTo take the screenshot (Graphics) of the selected element
CTRL+SHIFT+GTo take the screenshot (Graphics) of the JMeter screen
CTRL + HTo open the online Help page for the selected element
CTRL + LTo open a new test plan (It may prompt to save the current unsaved test plan)
CTRL + MTo browse and select the SSL Manager (set “” property)
CTRL + OTo Open an existing test plan into JMeter IDE
CTRL + QTo Quit (exit) JMeter IDE
CTRL + RTo Run the test plan in GUI mode
CTRL+SHIFT+RTo Run (start) the JMeter instance on all remote LG
CTRL + STo Save the current test plan
CTRL+SHIFT+STo Save the current test plan by providing a name
CTRL + TTo enable/disable (Toggle) the selected element
CTRL + VTo paste the copied or cut element under the selected element
CTRL + XTo cut the selected element
CTRL + YTo redo the action within elements’ editor window only
CTRL + ZTo undo the action within elements’ editor window only
CTRL + .To stop the running test
CTRL + ,To shutdown the running test
CTRL + –To collapse all the elements
CTRL+SHIFT+ –To expand all the elements
CTRL + /To select all the elements
CTRL + 0To add a new Thread Group
CTRL + 1To add a new HTTP Request under a Thread Group/Controller
CTRL + 2To add a new Regular Expression Extractor under a Test Plan/Thread Group/Controller/Sampler
CTRL + 3To add a new Response Assertion under a Test Plan/Thread Group/Controller/Sampler
CTRL + 4To add a new Constant Timer under a Test Plan/Thread Group/Controller/Sampler
CTRL + 5To add a new Flow Control Action under a Thread Group/Controller
CTRL + 6To add a new JSR223 PostProcessor under a Test Plan/Thread Group/Controller/Sampler
CTRL + 7To add a new JSR223 PreProcessor under a Test Plan/Thread Group/Controller/Sampler
CTRL + 8To add a new Debug Sampler under a Thread Group/Controller
CTRL + 9To add a new View Result Tree listener under a Test Plan/Thread Group/Controller/Sampler
Table 01

JMeter Shortcuts with ALT and other keys

Shortcut KeysPurpose
ALT + XTo stop JMeter instance on all the remote machines
ALT + ZTo shutdown JMeter instance on all the remote machines
Right ArrowTo expand the selected element
Left ArrowTo collapse the selected element
Up ArrowTo select the previous element
Down ArrowTo select the next element
HomeTo select the test plan
EndTo select the last element in the tree
Page DownTo select the next hidden element (works only when tree size is larger than the screen)
Page UpTo select the previous hidden element (works only when tree size is larger than the screen)
Table 02

Customize Shortcuts

You can also configure the shortcuts and make your own. It can be done by changing the gui.quick_X property in the bin/ file. Refer to the below screenshot:

JMeter - Shortcuts
Figure 01

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