Isha Training Solutions Presents Cloud Performance Engineering in DevOps (AWS Cloud, Linux Command Line, MicroServices, Docker, Kubernetes, EKS, Jenkins, CI/CD Pipeline) Training.
Training Details:
Training Agenda:
- The course starts with Core cloud concepts and how cloud implementation differs from the On-Prem setup.
- You will learn AWS Cloud Computing and its various Services from Performance Engineers standpoint.
- The course lays down a strong foundation for your cloud learning journey. Later, you can go for Certifications (Cloud Practitioner & Solutions Architect Associate).
- The course covers at least 20-25 AWS Services. IAM, EC2, Lambda, CloudWatch, SNS, ELB, ASG, EKS, VPC to name a few.
- You will learn about architecting resilient, highly available, fault-tolerant cloud solutions.
- You will be as comfortable working in Linux environments as you are in Windows env. This is a very important skill set as we, Performance Engineers, spend most of our time in Linux environments.
- You will understand the difference between Monolithic & MicroServices architecture and why the IT industry is moving towards MicroServices.
- You will learn about the Container Technology – Docker Engine, and how it has revolutionized the virtualization space.
- You will learn about Container Orchestration Engine – Kubernetes, which is a portable, extensible, open-source platform for managing containerized workloads and services.
- CloudWatch is explained extensively in this course. CloudWatch is the Performance Monitoring Solution for various AWS Services including Containers monitoring (CloudWatch Container Insights).
- The course explains DevOps and how it integrates with Performance Engineering.
- You will learn how to implement continuous performance testing in CI/CD pipeline (DevOps) using Jenkins in the cloud. JMeter tool will be used for demonstration.
Demo 1: 16 Aug 2022
Demo 2: 17 Aug 2022
Regular Session: 18 Aug 2022
Timing (in IST): 9:00 PM (IST) / 10:30 AM (EST)/ 3:30 PM (BST)
Course Duration: 40 hours
Course Content:
- Cloud Computing
- Cloud Computing – Introduction
- Why Cloud Computing?
- What is Cloud Computing?
- Service Models – Iaas, PaaS, SaaS
- Deployment Models – Public, Private, Hybrid, Community
- Major Cloud Providers
- Create an AWS account
- AWS Budget Setup
- Core Cloud Concepts
- AWS Regions & AZs
- AWS Services
- Security – IAM
- Compute Services – EC2
- Provision EC2 in AWS Cloud
- Private vs Public vs Elastic IP
- Connect to your instance remotely
- Security Groups
- Launch your website
- Storage Services – EBS, EFS, S3
- Networking – VPC
- Serverless Services – Lambda, API Gateway, SNS
- AWS CloudFormaiton
- AWS Beanstalk
- Elastic Load Balancing & Auto Scaling Groups
- Cloud Monitoring – AWS CloudWatch
- Metrics
- Dashboards
- Logs
- Alarms
- Events
- AWS X-Ray – Troubleshooting performance issues
- Linux Command Line – ‘Get as comfortable with Linux OS as you are with Windows’
- Shell Scripting for Performance Monitoring
- Directory Navigation
- System Information
- Installing Packages
- Hardware Information
- User Information & Management
- File & Directory Commands
- Process Management
- File Permissions
- Networking
- Archives (TAR Files)
- Search
- SSH Logins
- File Transfers
- Disk Usage
- Performance Monitoring & Stats
- Linux Performance Monitoring
- top
- uptime
- vmstat
- free
- iostat
- sar
- mpstat
- Software Architectures
- What is Monolithic?
- What is Monolithic Architecture?
- Advantages & Disadvantages
- Monolithic Architecture – The Big problem
- Why & What Microservice?
- Characteristics of Microservice Architecture
- Advantages & Disadvantages
- Microservice vs. Monolithic
- Runtime Environment for MicroServices
- Container Engine – Docker
- Containers in General
- Containers in IT
- Container Architecture
- Advantages
- Container Engines
- Docker – What and why?
- Introduction to Docker Hub
- Docker Installation
- Common Docker Operations
- Build Docker images using Dockerfile
- Docker Volumes
- Install Docker-Compose
- Build and run images using ‘docker-compose.yaml’ file
- Container Orchestration Engine – Kubernetes
- What is Container Orchestration Engine (COE)?
- COE Features
- Top 3 Container Orchestration
- What is Kubernetes?
- Why Kubernetes?
- Kubernetes Architecture
- AWS ECS (Elastic Container Service)
- AWS EKS (Elastic Kubernetes Service)
- Difference between ECS and EKS
- EKS Continued (EKS Cluster Setup)
- What is Pod?
- Pod Deployment
- Multi-container
- Pod Networking
- Inter-Pod & Intra-Pod Communication
- Pod Lifecycle
- Services – NodePort, ClusterIP, LoadBalancer
- ReplicaSet
- CloudWatch Container Insights
- Horizontal Pod AutoScaler (HPA)
- Cluster AutoScaler
- Performance Engineering in DevOps
- Traditional approach
- Before DevOps
- What is DevOps?
- Why DevOps?
- DevOps Lifecycle
- DevOps Phases
- DevOps Phases – CI/CD
- How Performance Engineering fits in DevOps
- Elements of Performance Engineering
- Implement Continuous Performance Testing
- What is the “Shift Left” approach in Performance Testing?
- What is the “Shift Right” approach in Performance Monitoring?
- Feedback Loop in the Performance Engineering Process
- What is Continuous Integration
- Jenkins Introduction
- Features of Jenkins
- Installing Jenkins on EC2 – Commands
- Jenkins Architecture
- Managing Nodes on Jenkins
- Jenkins Integration with DevOps tools – GIT, DockerHub
- What are CI/CD Pipelines
- JMeter – Get Started
- Jenkins Integration with JMeter
- Automated Feedbacks – Email notifications
- Creating Jenkins (Freestyle) Jobs
- Creating a Pipeline
- Scheduling the Pipeline Jobs with Dependencies
- Introduction to AWS Services for CI/CD pipeline
Registration Link: Click here
More Details on Course: Click here
Contact Detail: (Call/WhatsApp) +91-8019952427
Organized By: Isha Training Solutions
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