Site Reliability Engineer Training


Site Reliability Engineer Training

Training Details:

What will I Learn by the end of this course?

Site Reliability Engineer Training
  • You will be able to start playing the role of SRE professional managing tasks for both Development and Operations functions.
  • You will be able to provide cloud architectural solutions indispensable to maintaining the reliability of the system
  • You will be able to set up a Monitoring solution and efficient Alerting Mechanism required for the Production environment.
  • You will be able to perform infrastructure automation and other mundane tasks and eliminate toil
  • You will be able to get a perfect view of new performance engineering trends – DevOps, cloud and resiliency
  • You will be able to confidently talk to developers & architects on the production issues, remediation & recommendations

Course Duration: 50 hours

Demo Session 1: 2 Nov 2022

Demo Session 2: 3 Nov 2022

Regular Session: 4 Nov 2022

Time: 9 PM (IST) / 11:30 AM (EST) / 4:30 PM (BST)

Course Content:

• Cloud Computing – AWS
o Cloud Computing – Introduction
o Why Cloud Computing?
o What is Cloud Computing?
o Service Models – Iaas, PaaS, SaaS
o Deployment Models – Public, Private, Hybrid, Community
o Major Cloud Providers
o Create an AWS account
o AWS Budget Setup
o Core Cloud Concepts
o AWS Regions & AZs
o AWS Services
o Security – IAM
o Compute Services – EC2
o Provision EC2 in AWS Cloud
o Private vs Public vs Elastic IP
o Connect to your instance remotely
o Security Groups
o Launch your website
o Storage Services – EBS, EFS, S3

• Site Reliability Engineering – Introduction
o What is Reliability of a system mean?
o What is Fault Tolerance?
o What id High Availability?
o What is Disaster Recovery
o SRE Vs DevOps (class SRE implements DevOps)
o SLIs, SLOs, SLAs, Error Budget
o Incident Management
o Change Management
o Roles and Responsibilities of SRE

• Software Architectures
o What is Monolithic?
o What is Monolithic Architecture?
o Advantages & Disadvantages
o Monolithic Architecture – The Big problem
o Why & What MicroService?
o Characteristics of MicroService Architecture
o Advantages & Disadvantages
o MicroService vs. Monolithic
o Runtime Environment for MicroServices

• Containerization – Docker, Kubernetes
o Containers in General
o Containers in IT
o Container Architecture
o Advantages
o Container Engines
o Docker – What and why?
o Introduction to Docker Hub
o Docker Installation
o Common Docker Operations
o Build docker images using Dockerfile
o Docker Volumes
o Install Docker-Compose
o Build and run images using ‘docker-compose.yaml’ file
o What is Container Orchestration Engine (COE)?
o COE Features
o Top 3 Container Orchestration
o What is Kubernetes?
o Why Kubernetes?
o Kubernetes Architecture
o AWS ECS (Elastic Container Service)
o AWS EKS (Elastic Kubernetes Service)
o Difference between ECS and EKS
o EKS Continued (EKS Cluster Setup)
o What is Pod?
o Pod Deployment
o Multi-container
o Pod Networking
o Inter-Pod & Intra-Pod Communication
o Pod Lifecycle
o Services – NodePort, ClusterIP, LoadBalancer
o ReplicaSet
o CloudWatch Container Insights
o Horizontal Pod AutoScaler (HPA)
o Cluster AutoScaler

• Gaining Resilience and Reliability on AWS
o AWS Global, Regional, and Zonal Architecture Design
o Amazon’s Global Storage Services – S3
o Running Resilient Databases On AWS – RDS and DynamoDB
o Fault Tolerant Computation On AWS – Lambda and EC2
o Core Resilience Principles for AWS – Load Balancing and Auto Scaling
o Using Kubernetes and EKS On AWS

• Observability – Issue Debugging, Monitoring and Alerting
o Linux Monitoring
o Cloud Watch
o Prometheus and Grafana
o ELK (Elastic Search, Log Stash, Kibana)

• Troubleshooting Performance Bottlenecks
o JMeter – Performance Testing tool overview
o Linux Performance
o Java Performance Tuning
o Database Performance

• Eliminating toil and Automation
o Infrastructure Automation using Terraform
o Configuration Management using Ansible
o CI/CD Pipeline using Jenkins
o Automating Mundane tasks using Shell-Scripting and Python Scripting

• Shell Scripting (3+ hours Self-paced videos will be provided)
o Directory Navigation
o System Information
o Installing Packages
o Hardware Information
o User Information & Management
o File & Directory Commands
o Process Management
o File Permissions
o Networking
o Archives (TAR Files)
o Search
o SSH Logins
o File Transfers
o Disk Usage

• Core Java (11+ hours Self-paced videos will be provided)
o Installation of jdk , setting up environment variables and eclipse
o Java – Classes/objects/methods/ packages
o Java programs for creating class/objects/packages
o Basics of Strings & arrays
o Java Programs with strings and arrays
o Single Thread Vs Multi Threading concepts
o Java – File handling and sample programs
o Installing mysql database and integration with java program
o Basics of html
o Basic of JSP
o Basics of Servlets
o Compilation and creating jar/war file
o Installation of Tomcat
o Deployment of Java application

• Python (30+ hours Self-paced videos will be provided)
o An Introduction to Python
 What can Python do?
 Why Python?
 Python Syntax compared to other programming languages
 Python and Anaconda Installation
o Data Types and Operations
 Prints and Comments
 Numbers, Strings, List
 Tuple, Dictionary
 String Operations in Python
 Simple Input & Output
 Simple Output Formatting
 Operators in python
o Python Program Flow
 Indentation
 The If statement and its’ related statement
 An example with if and it’s related statement
 The while loop
 The for loop
 The range statement
 Break &Continue
 Assert
 Examples for looping
o Functions& Modules
 Create your own functions
 Functions Parameters
 Variable Arguments
 Scope of a Function
 Function Documentations
 Lambda Functions & map
 Exercise with functions
 Create a Module
 Standard Modules
o Exceptions Handling
 Errors
 Exception handling with try
 handling Multiple Exceptions
 Writing your own Exception
o File Handling
 File handling Modes
 Reading Files
 Writing & Appending to Files
 Handling File Exceptions
 The with statement
o Classes in Python
 New Style Classes
 Creating Classes
 Instance Methods
 Inheritance
 Polymorphism
 Exception Classes & Custom Exceptions
o Generators and iterators
 Iterators
 Generators
 The Functions any and all
 With Statement
 Data Compression
o Data Structures
 List Comprehensions
 Nested List Comprehensions
 Dictionary Comprehensions
 Functions
 Default Parameters
 Variable Arguments
 Specialized Sorts
o Collections
 namedtuple()
 ChainMap
 Counter
 OrderedDict
 defaultdict
 UserDict
 UserList
 UserString
o Data Modification and Analysis with Pandas
 Defining Pandas
 Pandas – Creating and Manipulating Data
 How to Create Data Frames?
 Importance of Grouping and Sorting
 Plotting Data
o Selenium Python Basics
 Introduction to Selenium Webdriver
 Basic Navigation using selenium on website
 Automation tips

Contact Details: +91-8019952427 (WhatsApp/Regular Call)

Organized By: Isha Training Solutions

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