Performance Engineering Training

Training Details:

Training Agenda:

  • You will be able to confidently talk to developers & architects on the performance issues, bottlenecks & recommendations
  • You will be able to start playing a role of performance engineer – Just not identifying defects but to troubleshoot and identify bottlenecks and provide recommendations.
  • You will be able to do the architecture review and provide engineering strategy, plan & monitoring approach for both performance & production servers.
  • You will be able to easily handle interview questions and position yourself as a performance engineer.
  • You will be able to get a very good view on new performance engineering trends – DevOps, cloud, resiliency and mobile.

Course Duration: 25+ hours

Demo Session 1: 19 Oct 2022

Demo Session 2: 20 Oct 2022

Regular Session: 21 Oct 2022

Time: 8:30 PM (IST) / 04:00 PM (BST)

Course Content:

Section 1: Introduction to Performance engineering(PE)
• Skill set required to be a successful performance engineer
• Where do we lag as a performance tester when it comes to PE
• Various engineering activities & tools across SDLC
• What is expected from a Performance engineer during the interview as well as during the project execution?
Section 2: Think Like a Developer
• Java Performance Engineering/JVM Architecture
• Why Java &Get Your Basics
• Get an understanding of JVM architecture (Memory management / Threads/Execution engine)
• Types of JVM and its performance impact.
• Think like a Developer to be a good performance engineer
• Get Hands-On and start writing small programs
• Setting up Java Environment/Eclipse
• Practical understanding of JVM components with the new java project/programs
Section 3: Thread Analysis
• Introduction to Various real-time performance Issues, their impact, and engineering approaches to address the issues.
• Introduction to Java Threads
• How Java threads are handled by JVM
• Thread status and how to analyze the health of the thread during the load test execution
• How and when to take Thread Dumps
• Tools(jvisual vm/jprofiler)/Command line functions & step-by-step process to take the thread dump
• How to analyze the Thread Dump and identify the bottlenecks
• Practical examples with real-time application & code to create thread issues and conduct thread dump analysis
• Fixing the code post recommendation and observing the impact
• Thread configuration in the server and its impact on the performance
• Thread connection pool concepts and how it works. Tools :Eclipse/Tomcat/Java project/JvisualVM/Jprofiler/io/IBMTMDA
Section 4: Java Memory Management Part 1
• Deep dive into Memory allocations
• How memory works Stack & Heap
• Role Of Metaspace
• Tuning the Java Memory Settings
• Practical explanation of creating memory issues/Leaks and Monitoring the heap
• How to connect the java process with jvisualvm/jprofiler to monitor the heap
• How and when to take the heap dump
• Heap dump analysis and finding the possible root cause of the memory leaks.
Section 5: Java Memory Management Part 2 – Garbage Collection
• Introduction to GC concepts and how JVM manages memory via GC
• JVM GC collectors Serial/Parallel/CMS/G1
• Tuning GC components
• Old/young generations, survivor space
• Practical examples & code walkthrough to show the memory issues/ how GC works.
Section 6: CPU profiling & response time analysis
• CPU Hotspots
• Troubleshooting High response time issues
• How to use Jprofiler to identify bottlenecks
• Practical examples with real-time application to create issues and identify the bottleneck at class/methods
Section 7: Monitoring Strategy before/during/after Load Test execution
• Architecture overview as part of monitoring strategy
• Setting up the right monitors to collect metrics
• Various tools and methodologies to monitor and collect performance metrics during the load test
• Detailed overview on Linux monitoring and tools
• Nmon/vmstat/top/iostat/telegraf/Jconsole
• Walkthrough on important performance counters
• Practical session on monitoring/using these tools in linux/windows machines with real-time applications
• Overview of Network Monitoring tools to understand the network-related bottleneck with practical examples
• Appdynamics – Agent configuration and Monitoring
Section 8: Client Side performance engineering
• Why is client/browser side performance
• What are the common client-side performance issues
• Tools and methodology to analyze the performance issues
• Automating the client-side performance
• Browser APIs to collect client-side statistics
• How to provide Recommendations
• Practical examples with real-time applications to understand the issues/ provide recommendations with the fixes
Section 9: Database Performance
• Relational & NoSQL Database
• Performance considerations
• Oracle Process Architecture
• Oracle Memory architecture
• Tablespace and how it is managed
• Database Monitoring
• Automatic Workload Repository(AWR)
• How and when to take AWR reports for performance analysis
• Automatic Database Diagnostic Monitor (ADDM)
• Practical examples of database issues in AWR reports
Section 10: Introduction to Production Monitoring
• Synthetic monitoring & Real User Monitoring
• Walkthrough of various techniques/tools available for synthetic monitoring
• Alerts & production like scenarios
• Real user monitoring tools – Firebase/google analytics/TeaLeaf
Section 11: Nonfunctional requirements and engineering strategy
• Workload definition – Performance engineering strategy
• Templates for creating engineering plan/strategy
• Performance engineer role in Architecture /Design review
• Defining SLA & SLO for applications / Individual components
Section 12: Bonus section of Introduction to DevOps (continuous testing)
• Jmeter/Jenkins integration
• Continuous automated monitoring using Appdynamics in DevOps
Section 13: Introduction to cloud & Resiliency engineering
• Introduction to AWS & Azure Cloud monitoring tool
• What is Resiliency engineering & why it is required
• Tools
• Various failure scenarios – CPU burn/disk burn/server crashes
Section 14: Bonus topics
• Linux for performance testers and engineers
• Synthetic monitoring concepts and how to do synthetic monitoring using dynatrace
• Cloud watch monitoring

Registration Link: Click here

More Details on Training: Click here

Contact Details: +91-8019952427 (WhatsApp/Regular Call)

Organized By: Isha Training Solutions

Disclaimer: PerfMatrix does not conduct any classroom or online training/classes. The training/demo details given on this page are either taken from the social media source or provided by the individual trainer or institute. Request you to please verify the authenticity of the training (and trainer) before providing your personal details. PerfMatrix will not take any responsibility in case of false knowledge, waste of time or financial losses.

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