Important JMeter External Plugins

If you a JMeter Performance Tester then any point of time you may feel a need for some more JMeter elements which makes the performance testing task simple. Since JMeter is an open-source tool and does not provide full support what a licensed tool does that is why you can expect the lack of advanced features in it. Although many organizations are continuously creating and suppling new JMeter plugins which makes performance testers task easy and fulfil their expectations. In this article, you will get to know about some important JMeter external plugins to support the latest technologies and to make a realistic performance test scenario.

How to install JMeter Plugin Manager?

  1. Download the ‘plugins-manager.jar’ file from this link.
  2. Place the jar file in /lib/ext folder of Apache JMeter.
    Example: C:\apache-jmeter-5.4\lib\ext
  3. Open JMeter in GUI mode by clicking /bin/jmeter.bat
  4. Go to Options -> Plugins Manager
  5. You can see three tabs
    1. Installed Plugins: The list of plugins which are installed in JMeter
    2. Available Plugins: The list of plugins which are available, but not installed yet in JMeter
    3. Upgrades: For update notification

Below is the list of some important plugins:

Plugins for JMeter Graphs:

Plugins for JMeter Thread Groups

Plugins for JMeter Timers

Plugins for JMeter Listeners

  • Flexible File Writer: This plugin enhance the feature of Simple Data Writer by providing additional and advanced options to write the test result data in a file.
  • Non-GUI Console Status Logger: To print short summary log to console while JMeter running in non-GUI mode
  • Synthesis Report: This listener has the same format as a Summary or Aggregate report. The only difference is that it has an additional filter option.
  • AutoStop: To stop the test when a given condition is satisfied.

Plugins for Tools

Plugins for Functions

  • Custom JMeter Functions: This plugin adds custom functions to JMeter which helps to implement useful logics in the script.

Plugins for Logic Controllers

  • Parameterized Controller: This plugin is used to create a reusable test plan modules in which parameter value can be passed.

Plugins for Samplers

  • Dummy Sampler: Dummy Sampler helps to create a custom response which is used to validate the logic of regular expression extractor or post-processor.
  • UDP Sampler: To perform the load test for DNS, NTP, TFTP, Boot servers, UDP Sampler adds the feature for one-way or two-way communication.
  • HTTP Raw Request: To remove the drawback of HTTP Request, HTTP Raw Request Sampler is introduced with TCP support options.
  • HDFS Operations: This plugin is used for Hadoop Distributed File System performance testing by inserting some basic information in the sampler.
  • Hadoop Job Tracker Sampler: This plugin helps to perform different counter operations on Hadoop application to retrieve various values.
  • Set Variables Action: To set/define the value of a variable.

Plugins for Config Items

  • Variables from CSV: This config element plugin helps to fetch the value from the CSV file when the variable name is given in the first column and its value is given in the second column.

Plugins for Post-Processors
