Important Linux Commands for Performance Testers

Important Linux Commands for Performance Testers

This article contains important Linux commands to help performance testers and engineers working on Linux systems. Linux Command Description Important Options sudo Super User DO: To perform tasks that require administrative or root permissions. Example: $ sudo -g -h -k su Switch User: To run a command with another user Example: $ su admin2 -p … Read more

MongoDB Performance Counters

MongoDB is an open-source, document-oriented, NoSQL database program. It is a type of database that stores information in a collection of documents, rather than in a traditional relational database. MongoDB is designed to be scalable, fast and provide high availability. It also provides a rich query language, allowing developers to query their data quickly and … Read more

IBM DB2 Performance Counters

Introduction DB2 is an IBM database software product that is designed to manage both relational and non-relational data. It is the most popular relational database management system (RDBMS) for large-scale corporate data warehouses. DB2 is used to store, manage, and analyze data from multiple sources, including databases, big data, and cloud sources. DB2 has many … Read more

Oracle DB Performance Counters

Introduction Oracle Database (OracleDB) is an object-relational database management system produced and marketed by Oracle Corporation. It is a multi-model database, meaning it can support multiple data models, including the object-relational model and the object-oriented model. OracleDB is the world’s most popular enterprise database, used by many of the world’s largest organizations in various industries. … Read more

Do APM Tools Make You A Better Performance Engineer?

Do APM Tools Make You A Better Performance Engineer

Are APM Tools spoiling the current generation of Performance Engineers? I see a major generation gap when I talk to engineers who have been in the field for under 5-6 years. They describe their primary performance engineering skillset as an APM tool. They mostly haven’t even heard of Brendan Gregg or fundamental tracing methods. The … Read more