AWR – Instance CPU

AWR - Instance CPU

In AWR, the ‘Instance CPU’ table comes under the ‘Report Summary’ section. Refer to the below figure: To analyse the ‘Instance CPU’ section, you must Look at the Host CPU and Instance CPU sections. The key things to look for are the values “%Idle” in the “Host CPU” section and “%Total CPU” in the “Instance … Read more

AWR – Host CPU

AWR - Host CPU

In AWR, the ‘Host CPU’ table comes under the ‘Report Summary’ section. Refer to the below figure: The following metrics are available in the ‘Host CPU’ table of an AWR report: CPUs The number of CPUs is the product of the number of cores and threads available on the database server. Formula: CPU = Number … Read more

AWR – Wait Classes by Total Wait Time

In AWR, the ‘Wait Classes by Total Wait Time’ table comes under the ‘Report Summary’ section. Refer to the below figure: To analyse this section, firstly check for the ‘Wait Class’ column. If User I/O, System I/O and Others have moderate ‘Waits’ value then it is fine. But if ‘Concurrency’ under the wait class has … Read more