Blank JMeter HTML Report


JMeter HTML report is blank.

Root Cause:

This issue occurs when a double quote (“) is present in the sampler name of the JMeter script. JMeter adds extra double quotes in the sample name while writing the logs in the log file (.jtl, .csv or .log) and it causes the generation of a blank HTML report. To check the issue, you can open the test log file and search the double quotes by pressing Ctrl + F. You will find the logs as shown in the screenshot.

Logs with double quote in sampler name:

Blank HTML Report in JMeter
Figure 01: JMeter Test Log

Also, one point to be noted here is that the double quote present only in the sampler name or transaction controller name causes blank HTML report generation.


The only solution to this issue is that do not use the double quote (“) in the sampler and transaction controller name.

Blank HTML JMeter Report
Figure 02: JMeter Sampler with double-quote

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