LoadRunner Interview Questions #8

Following are the LoadRunner Interview Questions Set #8.

Q. 36 How do you enable text and image checks in VuGen?

Ans: This can be done by using functions web_reg_find (for text check) and web_image_check (for image check) and enabling image and text check from runtime setting.

Run Time Setting -> Preference ->Enable the Image and text checkbox

Enable Content Check
Figure 01: How to enable content check?

Q. 37 What is a correlation?

Ans: Correlation is used to handle the dynamic values in a script coming from the server. The dynamic value could change for each user action (value changes when action is replayed by the same user) or for different users (value changes when action is replayed with a different user). In both, the cases correlation takes care of these values and prevents them from failing during execution.

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Q. 38 What are the types of Correlation?

Ans: Correlation is of two types:

  • Manual Correlation
  • Automatic Correlation

Q. 39 Explain the difference between automatic correlation and manual correlation?

Ans: Manual Correlation involves manual intervention in identifying the dynamic value, finding the first occurrence of dynamic value, identifying the unique boundaries of capturing the dynamic value, writing correlation function web_reg_save_param before the request having the first occurrence of a dynamic value in its response.

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Automated correlation works on predefined correlation rules. The script is played back and scanned for autocorrelation on failing. Vugen identifies the place wherever the correlation rules work and correlate the value on approval.

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Q. 40 Can we add correlation rules before recording the script?

Ans: Yes, we can add the correlation rules.

Figure 02: Correlation Rule Option