Apache JMeter – machineName Function

machineName is an in-build function of Apache JMeter and its type is ‘Information’. This function simply returns the name of the machine on which JMeter runs. By the way, JMeter in-build functions are divided into eight categories which are: Let’s discuss about machineName function: Syntax: ${__machineName} Type: Information Purpose: To get the name of the machine on which … Read more

Apache JMeter – machineIP Function

machineIP is an in-build function of Apache JMeter and its type is ‘Information’. This function simply returns the IP address of the machine on which JMeter runs. By the way, JMeter in-build functions are divided into eight categories which are: Let’s discuss about machineIP function: Syntax: ${__machineIP} Type: Information Purpose: To get the IP address … Read more

Apache JMeter – samplerName Function

samplerName is an in-build function of Apache JMeter and its type is ‘Information’. This function simply returns the name of the sampler. By the way, JMeter in-build functions are divided into eight categories which are: Let’s discuss about samplerName function: Syntax: ${__samplerName} Type: Information Purpose: To get the name of the current sampler used in … Read more

Apache JMeter – threadGroupName Function

threadGroupName is an in-build function of Apache JMeter and its type is ‘Information’. This function simply returns the name of the thread group. By the way, JMeter in-build functions are divided into eight categories which are: Let’s discuss about threadGroupName function: Syntax: ${__threadGroupName} Type: Information Purpose: To get the name of the thread group used … Read more

Apache JMeter – threadNum Function

threadNum is an in-build function of Apache JMeter and its type is ‘Information’, which provides specific details about the thread. By the way, JMeter in-build functions are divided into eight categories which are: Syntax: ${__threadNum} Type: Information Purpose: To get the Thread Number under a Thread Group. If there are multiple thread groups under the … Read more

Best Practices for JMeter Test Execution

Apache JMeter is an open-source tool which is widely used for Performance Testing. The test execution through the JMeter tool is an easy task, but the execution steps also have some best practices to avoid misconfiguration and help to get accurate results. These best practices are listed below: