JMeter – XML Assertion

JMeter - XML Assertion

In JMeter, XML Assertion is mainly used to validate the format of XML embedded in the response. This type of assertion does not need any input. When the response is well XML formatted then the sampler is passed else failed with an error. Failure Case: How to add ‘XML Assertion’? You can follow the below steps: … Read more

JMeter – Response Assertion

JMeter - Response Assertion

In JMeter, Response Assertion is used to validate the presence of a particular string (pattern) or some fields like response code, response message etc. The pattern string could be a number, word, statement etc. which could be present either in the server response or in the JMeter request.  Example: I have created a JMeter script of … Read more

JMeter – JSR223 Listener

JMeter - JSR223Listener 01

In JMeter, JSR223 Listener is a scripting-based listener. JSR stands for Java Specification Requests. As same as BeanShell Listener which we discussed earlier; you will need to implement the listener logic by yourself using one of the supported scripting languages like Groovy, BeanShell, java, javascript, jexl etc. Usually, it is helpful when you need to write custom code based on some unique algorithm … Read more